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KINK Update - Friday 30th July 2021

KINK Update - Friday 30th July 2021

After yesterday’s government announcements, it seems to be full steam ahead with KINK on Friday 30th July!

We can’t wait to see you all again, and we know how much you’ve been craving it!

Covid-19 hasn’t gone away though, and we want to keep you as safe as we possibly can during the event.

Because of this, there will be some slight changes to the event:


We will require all guests to wear masks when moving around the club.

This includes upon arrival, on exit and moving between rooms. 

The only time you should remove your mask is when you are playing with someone else or eating/drinking.

We need to enforce this because there are a number of guests who have medical conditions and need to stay as protected as possible. It also keeps you as safe as you possibly can be while at the event.


We HIGHLY recommend having at least 1 dose of the vaccine, if not both, before attending

The Delta Covid Variant is circulating around and is highly contagious, particularly in younger people. Although the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread, it can prevent the risk of getting severely ill.

We suggest getting at least one dose of the vaccine before the event. It’s best to have both doses if possible as this offers you a far greater amount of protection. 


If you haven’t had both vaccine doses, you are required to do a lateral flow test 2 hours BEFORE attending.

It is your responsibility to look after your own health and your fellow attendees at KINK.

If you aren’t fully vaccinated with both doses, you will need to have a lateral flow test 2 hours before attending KINK.

We are not able to provide lateral flow tests for you, but you should be able to pick them up from your local chemist or doctors surgery, or you can order them to your home.

You can view more about lateral flow tests and order them free of charge here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing/regular-rapid-coronavirus-tests-if-you-do-not-have-symptoms/


If the test is positive, please DO NOT COME ALONG. You will then need to do a PCR test in accordance with government guidelines. This will confirm whether the test is positive. Once you have done the PCR test and have the results, please forward this to us and we can refund/ transfer your ticket to future event.

Read more and order a PCR test here: https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test



Feeling Unwell? – PLEASE DON’T ATTEND

If you’ve had any symptoms of Covid-19 or are feeling unwell, please do not attend the event. Instead, get in touch with us to see how we can help.

Place any orders online in advance

If you would like to order from our store, we strongly suggest you order online beforehand and collect on the night.
We will be operating a very small stall with a selected range of products, so to avoid disappointment, you should order online as soon as possible and select “Collect in person” as your delivery method. Then, just get in touch to let us know you would like to collect at KINK.


You must book in advance

You will not be able to pay for tickets on the door. We are only offering tickets online in advance.

This is because we are limiting numbers to around 70% capacity, which will allow more space for people to move around freely and allow those that wish to try and keep their distance from others to do so.



Your safety is paramount.

We want you to feel as safe as possible during the event which is why we have had to change the rules slightly. We will try our best to keep you safe, but it is also your responsibility look after yourself and your fellow Kinksters.



  • Try to keep your distance around others, even if you are comfortable with getting up close with them. They may not be ready as quickly as you are.
  • Communicate with other Kinksters and make sure they are ok with hugs, handshakes and other contact first.
  • Try to play away from others, where there is enough space and you’re not going to get in the way of other people.
  • Wipe down all equipment with anti-bacterial cleaner provided after use.
  • Wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitiser.
  • Try not to share drinks with others.
  • If you personally don’t feel comfortable with getting closer to others at this stage, please reconsider whether you should buy a ticket and perhaps wait for a future event instead.





New opening times: 8:30pm - 2:30am

Sadly no overnight accomodation at the venue any longer, however, many local hotels around.


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