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Construct-A-Pup - The Modular Puppy Hood!

Construct-A-Pup - The Modular Puppy Hood!

Pup Hoods are a fantastic way to express your own "pawsonality" (yes, we went there! haha) and Construct-A-Pup allows you to do this in a fun, exciting and creative way!
With lots of great hoods on the market, it's hard to choose one that's best for you. Different colours, shapes, sizes and styles mean that picking the perfect one isn't easy.

And when you do settle on one, what happens if you change your mind on the colour? What do you do if you wanted floppy ears instead? What about if your real passion was rubber and not neoprene?


Behold: Construct-A-Pup has the answer!

Construct-A-Pup by The Latex Factory is a "build-your-own" style puppy hood. Branded as a Modular Puppy Hood, you can remove, add and change elements of the hood in a snap!

Want to change the colour of your ears? Swap 'em in seconds! Fancy mixing it up and having two different coloured patches? Go for it!

Change your accessories where ever and whenever you want!


Construct-A-Pup follows 4 simple steps to building your dream hood.

Firstly, you can choose your hood style. With Neoprene and Rubber half hood styles currently available, full hoods are on their way too.

If you like your hood to be light and easy to remove, then the half hoods are for you. For a more enclosed, encased feeling, the full hoods are the way to go.


Secondly, choose your ears. With a wide range of colours and shapes available, from pink ears with a fur tip, to small yellow ears, and even black floppy ears, you're sure to find ears that you'll love!

And you can even go for different left and right ears for that individuality!
















Thirdly, it's time to pick your patches. With a range of colours, match them to your ears, or go for something out there and different.

And again, pick a matching set, or go for two different ones, the choice is yours!










Finally, it's tongue time! Will you choose a long or short tongue? Will it be blue? Red? Black? Mint Green...?












If you want to change any accessories at any time, you can purchase extra ears, patches, tongues or even hoods to change your style whenever you want.

All of these hoods and accessories are hand made in the UK, and are carefully manufactured to the high standards that all Latex Factory products are built to!

Looking for something totally different? Want a hood that perfectly matches your pupsona? Construct-A-Pup is the answer!

You can view the full range, order your hood and also any accessories here: https://bit.ly/2HPfMZv

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