KINK 20th March 2020 - Cancelled
It is with regret that we have had to take the decision to cancel our KINK event on March 20th 2020.
Despite putting policies in place to protect our guests to the fullest extent, we have decided that the risk is still too great as KINK is an event where you can come into close contact with other people.
Even though our policies would eliminate obvious signs of people with Covid-19, we have to remember that carriers can still show no symptoms and therefore could still spread the virus around during the event unknowingly.
This is why we have had to cancel our KINK event on March 20th 2020.
This leaves the venue is a tough spot. They have already had a massive drop in attendees and most events have now been cancelled, leaving them out of pocket from both hire costs and bar takings.
Most of you know the lovely owners, Vic & Jim, and the way things are going they will probably be forced to close the club in the next few days. They won’t have any source of income during this period, and the club could be shut for up to several months.
The Kinksters is not set to see much of a financial impact from the Virus, but for venues like this, the impact can be devastating. This is why we would like to offer everyone who has ordered advanced tickets the following options:
If you have ordered an advanced ticket online, you can either:
Redeem your ticket/accommodation for another future event.
You can donate the cost of your advanced ticket and/or accommodation to Vic & Jim to help make the next few months a little easier for them.
We will be contacting advanced ticket holders soon to find out what they would like to do.
Alternatively, if you were going to pay on the door or you hadn’t yet bought a ticket online, you can donate to the fund if you would like to, even if it was just for the cost of a drink at the venue.
If you haven't ordered tickets but would still like to donate, you can do so here:
If you have booked accommodation outside of the venue and/or travel tickets, please speak to your booking agent, as many hotels and travel companies will transfer the dates to another time for you.
We’d like to thank you all for your understanding and cooperation during this difficult time, and we hope to see you at an event again in the future.
We will update you on our May event and beyond in the next month or so.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to remind you that operations in our warehouse and office are unaffected, and orders placed online will still be processed. If you’re self-isolating, we’re here to supply you with boredom busters!
Stay safe Kinksters!